
Mouse's legs and tail hanging from Miki's mouth.


Success in Pieksämäki 2011.

Well, this is the mosquito spitz...

In Piekäsmäki dog show 2011.

Watching birds on Pyhittyjärvi pier.
Happy birthday mom.
Inspecting becoming kitchen garden with Prinsessa.

Watching swimmers.
Watching squirrel in May 2011.

Miki 1 year.

Cold wind and bright sunlight in March get to my eyes!

Ok, my paws are cold, but I might sit here if you give me some goodies.

In Turku Top Dog with mom (who wonders what kind of objective can make his cheeks look so fat...)

Miki and Walle posing in hotel room in Turku. One of few moments they stayed still.

My new bunny.

I don't know what the heck is Southbury but I want to sit up here anyway.

Should I pee on Santa's feet?

Pieni lumikoira. Little snowdog.

Kukkapenkinvahti. Flower bench guardian.

Hehkuefekti kännykamerasta! Glow efect from cell phone cam.

Mamman hanska pään alla on hyvä nukkua. It's nice to sleep with mom's glove under head.

Viivi painikaverina. Wrestling with Viivi.

Posing in the hay.

Dogs on the grass.

Dogs on the rock.

I see something interesting far away!

Wathcing my people piling wood.

"What's this?" wonders Aksu the Alsatian.

If you look carefully you can see a mouse hanging from my mouth!

Ain't I cute?

In Heinola Puppy Show ring with mom.

Have to shake this water away!

I am a tenant in cats' climbing tree. Nice apartment, but I need to enlarge the doorway. Tried already, see.

Let me go, let me go! Shake, wag and roll!

I fit in here just fine! Take me with you next time.Did some digging.

Miki being alert and listening Aada barking behind the picket fence.

Looking for field mice.

In the riding camp visiting Riina.

Minäkin osaan pelata jalkapalloa! I can play soccer too!

Kuivattelua sadettajaleikin jälkeen. Getting dry after playing with water shower.

Miki ja Walle painimassa. Miki and Walle wrestling.

Miki puutöissä juhannuksena. Miki chopping wood in Midsummer.

Miki 12 vkoa.

Yllä/Above: Mikin multainen nenä paljastaa tihulaisen! Miki's muddy nose points who is quilty!
Miki ja Nana serkun ylioppilasjuhlissa 2010. Miki and Nana in cousin's graduation party 2010.
Miki ja Prinsessa kävelyllä. Miki and Princess on a walk.

Miki poseeraa 23.5.2010.

Miolle on tehty kiva petipaikka... Nice bed for Mio.

Kohtaaminen - meeting. Miki ja seepra unten mailla - Miki and zebra sleeping.

Biting here and there.

Miki and Nanni in their crates waiting their turn. Heinola Puppy Show 15.8.2010